
Monday, October 28, 2019

Printable Flashcards: Animals and Their Babies. Part 1.

In my previous blog post dedicated to a reading comprehension passage that features a cow and her calf, I mentioned once again that I created 40 printable flashcards to use for teaching kids some English names of young animals. These 40 flashcards make a part of a big set of more than 280 animal-related flashcards that accompany 11 reading comprehension passages. All these flashcards and worksheets constitute a reading comprehension kit.

So it’s time to start sharing some of my printable flashcards with my fellow EFL and ESL teachers. I hope these colorful resources will be useful when introducing names of baby animals to elementary school students. The whole set of cards features the following animals and their young ones: bat ― pup, bear ― cub, bee ― larva, bird ― nestling, butterfly ― caterpillar, cat ― kitten, chicken ― chick, chimpanzee ― infant, cow ― calf, deer ― fawn, dog ― puppy, donkey ― foal/colt, duck ― duckling, echidna ― puggle, elephant ― calf, fox ― pup/cub/kit, frog ― tadpole, goat ― kit, goose ― gosling, gorilla ― infant/baby, hare ― leveret, hen ― chick, hippo ― calf, horse ― foal, kangaroo ― joey, lion ― cub, monkey ― infant, mouse ― pup/pinky, owl ― owlet, panda ― cub, pig ― piglet, rabbit ― kitten/kit/bunny, rat ― pup, rhino ― calf, sheep ― lamb, snake ― snakelet, swan ― cygnet, tiger ― cub, turtle ― hatchling, zebra ― colt/foal.

Animals and their babies -- bat - pup -- printable flashcards

Animals and their babies -- bear - cub -- printable flashcards

Animals and their babies -- bee - larva -- printable flashcards

Animals and their babies -- bird - nestling -- printable flashcards

Animals and their babies -- butterfly - caterpillar -- printable flashcards

Animals and their babies -- cat - kitten -- printable flashcards

Animals and their babies -- chicken - chick -- printable flashcards

Animals and their babies -- chimpanzee - infant -- printable flashcards

Animals and their babies -- cow - calf -- printable flashcards

Animals and their babies -- deer - fawn -- printable flashcards

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