Saturday, November 16, 2019

Sight Words Reading Passages and Worksheets: Pre-Primer.

I have already published a blog post about my printable sight words flashcards that I use to teach my pre-school and elementary school students to read and write in English. Today I’d like to share a few reading comprehension passages and worksheets that I have designed to be used along with the cards for my English classes. Since my sight words cards are based on the Dolch word list, I use the same sight words for my reading passages and worksheets. The Dolch’s scale starts with the pre-primer level – a small group of words that kids can learn in kindergarten. So the first sight word reading passages and worksheets I’d like to share are based on this pre-primer vocabulary.



The kit has more than 550 Dolch sight word cards (including 95 image cards for nouns as well as cards featuring verbs in different forms)

Here are examples of simple pre-primer vocabulary texts that I read with kids who start learning English.

It is a bird. The bird is big and blue.
It is a bird. The bird is little and red.
Look! Can you see two funny birds?
The birds come here to play. The birds jump and run in the grass.
Can you help me make a home for the birds?

- Where can a little boy play?
- The boy can play here. You can find a big red ball and a yellow toy car for the boy.
- Where can a little girl play?
- The girl can play here. Here is a doll for the girl.
- Look, it is a big box of toys for the boy and the girl!

I see a yellow apple and a red apple.
The red apple is big.
The yellow apple is for me and the red apple is for you.

I did my best to make my reading comprehension worksheets appealing to little children. It helps me excite and expire young English learners and make them want to read more in this language. I hope my fellow EFL and ESL teachers will also find these reading comprehension passages and worksheets useful.

Printable Sight Words Reading Resources: Pre-Primer Level.

Sight words reading comprehension passages pre-primer level - ESL resources

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Printable Flashcards: Animal Body Parts. Part 1.

I have created more than 280 printable flashcards to be used along with my animal-related reading comprehension worksheets. There are 54 animal body parts flashcards among them. Whenever my elementary school students read those comprehension passages, I show them the flashcards to expand and strengthen their animal vocabulary. I have already started sharing animal sounds flashcards, animal actions flashcards as well as those featuring animals and their young ones. It’s time for animal body parts flashcards.

The animal body flashcards are included in my reading comprehension kit and help introduce the following vocabulary: antenna, antlers, back, beak, beard, belly, claw, comb, crest, ear, fang, feather, fin, foot, fur, gill, head, hoof, hump, horn, jaw, knee, leg, mane, mouth, neck, nose, nostril, paw, pouch, scales, snout, shell, spines, sting (stinger), spots, stripes, tail, tail tuft, tentacle, toe, tongue, tooth, trunk, tusk, udder, wattle, web, whiskers, wing.

Antenna (shrimp) - printable animal body parts flashcards for English learners

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Reading Comprehension Worksheets: Drago the Dragonfly

This is another reading comprehension worksheet that belongs to my reading comprehension kit. The short reading passage is about a dragonfly named Drago:

Drago is a blue dragonfly. He has big transparent wings and loves to fly. He lives near a pond. His wings are strong, so Drago can fly very fast and far from his home. Drago has mosquitoes for dinner.

Reading comprehension worksheet for elementary school - printable ESL resources

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Letter H Worksheets, Flash Cards, Coloring Pages

Here are some printable worksheets, flashcards and coloring pages that I have designed to teach elementary school students to recognize and write the letter H. I have gathered relevant printables from multiple articles on this blog in a single post. Hopefully, this post will make it easier for my fellow EFL and ESL teachers to find great resources dedicated to the letter H for their English classes.

Find letter h worksheet -- printable ESL materials to teach English alphabet
Find letter h worksheet. Buy letter search worksheets for all letters.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Reading Comprehension Worksheets: Short Word Stories

I shared some of my animal-related reading comprehension worksheets on social networks, and my fellow EFL and ESL teachers found them rather interesting. So I’d like to demonstrate another type of reading comprehension passages that I use for my English classes.

I love this trick when I ask early readers to read a relatively long and seemingly intimidating English text, and they suddenly realize they can easily read it and understand most of it. Their reaction is always very positive and they feel proud of their reading accomplishments. So I write these reading comprehension passages consisting only of short words (mostly three-letter words and a few four-letter words). I often use these passages with my elementary school students (first and second grade) as well as with older kids who struggle to learn English as a foreign language.

I have written six short-word reading comprehension passages so far. I call them short word stories. And I have recently decided to add some tasks and questions to the stories to turn simple texts into colorful printable worksheets that would be more appealing to elementary school children. Such reading comprehension worksheets definitely bring more fun to the classroom and encourage kids to further develop their English reading fluency.

So I have designed some printable worksheets that incorporate the following reading comprehension passages:

  • My Dad Is a Vet [78 words]
  • My Dad and My Pal Are Eating a Pie [88 words] (I use this one to teach the present continuous tense)
  • Can I Get a Pet? [88 words]
  • A Van for My Big Dog [115 words]
  • Can I Own a Van? [145 words]
  • An Ant Bit My Toe [291 words] (this one is good for teaching different meanings of the verb “get”)

I’d like to share a few reading comprehension worksheets based on my short word stories. So here they are:

Reading comprehension passage - printable ESL worksheet for elementary school
Reading comprehension passage "My Dad Is a Vet".

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Printable Flashcards: Animal Actions. Part 1.

I have designed 56 printable animal action flashcards to expand the animal-related vocabulary of my elementary school students during English classes for which I use my reading comprehension worksheets. If you follow my blog, you might already know that over 280 colorful flashcards as well as 11 reading passages and related worksheets make up my reading comprehension kit. The 56 animal actions flashcards are among those hundreds of flashcards belonging to the kit.

The flashcards can help English teachers introduce the following animal actions vocabulary: attack, bathe, bite, brood, carry, catch (a prey), chew, chomp, climb, dig, crawl, drink, eat, feed, flutter, fly, gallop, graze, hang, hatch, hide, lay eggs, jump, hop, leap, lick, lie, nibble, peck, play, poop, prance, prey, run, scratch, scurry, sit, slither, sleep, snarl, soar, spit, spray, stand, sting, stomp, swim, swing, waddle, wag, walk.

Attack (bull) - printable animal actions flashcards for English learners

Friday, November 1, 2019

Reading Comprehension Worksheets: Daphne the Dolphin

Here is another reading comprehension worksheet that belongs to my large reading comprehension kit. This one features a dolphin named Daphne. The reading passage goes as follows:

Daphne is a dolphin. She lives in the ocean and she is very smart. Daphne and her friends love to jump in and out of the water! She likes to click, chirp and whistle when she is happy. Daphne eats a lot of small fish every day.

Here are the worksheets.

Reading comprehension worksheet - 2d grade, 3d grade - printable ESL resources