
Monday, December 2, 2019

Printable Flashcards: Animal Homes. Part 1.

The animal homes and habitats collection consists of 42 printable flashcards. I created them to use along with my animal-related reading comprehension worksheets with the aim of expanding students’ vocabulary on the topic of animals. The entire reading comprehension kit includes more than 280 colorful flashcards that help me introduce vocabulary related to animals sounds, animal actions, animal babies, animal body parts, and animal homes.

So here are the first 10 out of 42 flashcards designed to introduce the following vocabulary: anthill, aquarium, Arctic, basket, beehive, birdhouse, burrow, cage, cave, coop, den, desert, drey, farm, fish bowl, hole, hollow tree, house, hutch, kennel, lagoon, nest, ocean, pen, pond, river, savanna, sea, shed, soil, stable, sty, web.

Animal homes and habitats -- ant - anthill -- printable flashcards for English learners

Animal homes and habitats -- bear - cave -- printable flashcards for English learners

Animal homes and habitats -- bee - beehive -- printable flashcards for English learners

Animal homes and habitats -- bird - birdhouse -- printable flashcards for English learners

Animal homes and habitats -- bird - nest -- printable flashcards for English learners

Animal homes and habitats -- cat - basket -- printable flashcards for English learners

Animal homes and habitats -- cat - house -- printable flashcards for English learners

Animal homes and habitats -- cow - farm -- printable flashcards for English learners

Animal homes and habitats -- cow - shed -- printable flashcards for English learners

Animal homes and habitats -- dog - kennel -- printable flashcards for English learners