Monday, April 27, 2020

Why Visually Stimulating Material Helps Kids Learn English Better

Teaching primary kids English, is becoming easier with the advent of classroom technology. It wasn’t long ago that a grade 3 teacher had to purchase non-customizable task cards to re-use class after class, or try and painstakingly create her own task cards, with limited design skills, Microsoft Word and the school printer, then cut out!

By introducing meaningful visual elements to the curriculum, educators can help students with information retention and being truly engaged. In school, a child receives a multitude of visual messages daily, so teachers are essentially competing with the kid’s attention span. By turning learning into a game with fun school clip art and custom task cards, the child has a better chance of performing and studies have also shown that children who are taught with visuals, get better grades and report cards.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

English Worksheets and Other Printables for Grade 1

A big part of my students are elementary school kids. That is why I have designed a good number of printable English teaching materials for my 1st grade students. The printables include flashcards, posters, awards, worksheets, games, coloring pages etc. Many of them have already been published in my blog. In this blog post, I’d like to show some of those printables that I use for grade 1 to help my fellow EFL and ESL teachers find my earlier publications and see the bigger picture of what I create for my classes and what I can offer for their classes as well.

English worksheets for grade 1
I have designed a lot of printable worksheets, charts, flashcards etc for my grade 1 students.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Telling Time on Clock - Rhyme-Based Worksheets

I designed a dozen printable worksheets based on my nursery rhyme that I had written to teach my young student to tell the time on a clock in English. The worksheets are colorful and child-appealing. They offer a super easy activity for kids who begin learning English and telling time.

Every worksheet has two text-and-picture parts featuring a four-liner of the nursery rhyme and a clock image part that should be cut out. The clock shows the time from one o'clock to midnight. The teacher asks kids to match a clock part with the correct text-and-picture part. The clock only shows the whole hours without minutes, so the worksheets can be used as one of basic activities at the start of learning time.

Telling the time worksheet with the cut-out part
My time telling worksheets have the cut-out part.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Phonics Charts - Printable Posters

I have already pointed out in one of my earlier blog posts dedicated to phonics charts that studying English phonetics can be overwhelming and boring for kids. There is very little fun in learning which sound an English letter or combination of letters produces. ESL and EFL teachers know very well how difficult English pronunciation can be for non-native speaking children. Unlike singing songs, playing games and reading stories, phonics make young students get tired of English classes very quickly. In order to make learning English phonetics less challenging for my elementary school students, I have designed quite a few colorful child-appealing phonics charts and flashcards that I use in my classroom to develop kids’ phonemic awareness in a more or less fun way.

Printable English phonics posters for classroom - ESL resources
English phonics posters on my classroom wall.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Letter L Worksheets, Flash Cards, Coloring Pages

This is another blog post which purpose is to gather my printable teaching resources dedicated to one of English alphabet letters. This one combines printables designed to learn letter L from other posts published in this blog. Hopefully, this publication will help my fellow teachers better navigate through the blog to find the best teaching materials for their preschool and elementary school students.

Find letter l worksheet -- printable ESL materials to teach English alphabet
Find letter l worksheet. Buy letter search worksheets for all letters.