
Friday, September 25, 2020

School Vocabulary Posters

My young students have returned to school this month after their long summer vacations. They are not native English speakers, so one of the first things we started to do in the classroom is trying to remember the important vocabulary related to school supplies, classroom objects and other school words we used to learn. There are new kids as well this year. And I start introducing the school-related words to them from the very first class.

To make it more fun for kids to memorize or recall the school vocabulary, I use my printable vocabulary posters. There are four of them featuring school supplies, school subjects, classroom objects and other relevant English vocabulary. Here is the list of 56 words featured on my school vocabulary posters.

School Vocabulary. List of Words.

  • abacus
  • art
  • backpack
  • biology
  • blackboard
  • book
  • calculator
  • calendar
  • canteen
  • certificate
  • chair
  • chalk
  • chemistry
  • classmate
  • classroom
  • clock
  • compass
  • crayons
  • desk
  • English (language arts)
  • eraser / rubber (UK)
  • geography
  • globe
  • glue
  • grade
  • highlighter
  • history
  • information technology
  • library
  • locker
  • mathematics (math, maths)
  • microscope
  • music
  • notebook (exercise book)
  • paint brush
  • palette
  • paper clip
  • pen
  • pencil
  • pencil case
  • pencil sharpener
  • physical education
  • physics
  • playground
  • printer
  • protractor
  • ruler
  • school
  • school bell
  • school bus
  • scissors
  • scotch tape / sellotape (UK)
  • set square
  • stapler
  • student
  • teacher

And here are the vocabulary posters featuring these school-related words.
School vocabulary - printable poster for English learners

School vocabulary words - school supplies, classroom objects etc.

School vocabulary for English learners

School supplies vocabulary and other words related to school in English

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