I do my best to excite my grade 1 students about learning English from the first months of studying in my classroom. Since we usually begin with learning English alphabet, I offer them different kinds of games and activities to make learning letters even more fun. There is a set of printable games and activities I designed to help my young students learn English ABC in a fun and memorable way. I’d like to share my alphabet learning printables in this blog post.
Printable Alphabet Game
This printable board game helps elementary school students remember how uppercase and lowercase letters look like in English.
My ABC games and activities mostly help kids learn to recognize uppercase and lowercase letters as well as memorize basic words that start with this or another letter. Therefore many of the games and activities suggest matching uppercase letters with lowercase letters and letters with pictures representing the words to be memorized. So here are the printables.
Printable board game for matching lowercase letters to uppercase letters or vocabulary picture cards. |
Cut-out letter cards for the alphabet game.
The rules are as follows:
Players roll the dice to see who goes first. The player who rolls the largest number goes first.
Players roll the dice once on each turn and cover a space accordingly with the correct lowercase / uppercase / picture card. Skip spaces that are already covered.
The player who covers a space with a wrong card must skip his/her turn.
When players reach the last space (the one with a red arrow), they resume the game from the start until all spaces are covered with cards.
The player who covers the last uncovered space wins.
Printable board game for matching pictures to alphabet letters. |
Another version of the game helps students memorize some English words that start with every alphabet letter. In this case kids use 140 vocabulary picture cards for matching letters and corresponding images.
There are three different boards for each version of the game (matching lowercase letters to uppercase letters, matching uppercase letters to lowercase letters, matching letters to words (pictures) that start with these letters, matching words (pictures) to letters they begin with). I have designed the game to be suitable for printing on A3 (297 x 420 mm, 11.7 x 16.5 inches) or A1 (594 x 841 mm, 23.4 x 33.1 inches) paper sheets.
Cut-out vocabulary picture cards for the alphabet game.
Clothespin Matching Wheels
I often organize fun uppercase to lowercase letter matching and letter to picture matching activities with a set of printable clothespin wheels. I ask kids to clip clothespins to the matching sections of the wheels.
Alphabet Puzzles
I have a few kinds of English alphabet puzzles to offer to my first grade students. Here they are.
This kind of printable alphabet puzzles teach kids to recognize uppercase and lowercase letters as well as help them learn their first English words. BUY ALL THESE PUZZLES. |
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